Very glad that I've finished the third part :D I was really regret to have released it late. I was just very busy, I got my scholarship test back then (hope I'll pass it :) , Amin).
For newbie, actually these are letters from Indonesian Muslims to all Muslims throughout the world. Which we know, some of them are underpresssure of racism. I believe it happens in every where to minorities. But as long as we're Muslims, where Allah has put a strong brotherhood among us, it's become our responsibility to encourage each other. Perhaps we've lost in our way, sometimes we feel bad and forget everything about love. The negative atmosphere which is surrounding us, might change our feeling into deep hatred. By spreading these positive words through these letters, I hope we can together spread a pure love inside our heart and change the negative atmosphere to be fully loveable. No racism in this post.
I'm totally messed up with what happened with many of Muslims right now. Fanatic Muslims, have closed their ears and eyes, thus make them totally hard to be touched. May Allah keep their heart open. These people will spread negative pressure to us. We shall not get sucked into their dark hole. Thanks to Allah and His Messenger, I got none of words from fanatic one :). Actually, most of fanatic has a shallow understanding of Islam itself. Thus, make them to be not reliable.
Anyway, it also our job; first is to keep ourselves for not being fanatic, I would very encourage you to be open minded but not lose your Taqwa. Second is to open these fanatics mindset to be able accepting the fact and facing the truth with a deep knowledge of Islam. Third, give everything up to Allah, but still to try the best.
Okay, I think it's a long briefing though :D Lol. Here, enjoy The Love from Indonesia meaningly for you. :)
Gladly thanks to all Indonesian Muslims, I've seen your great enthusiasm, joining this action. Also the advices that make me myself "uh!" to make me better to step forward. Very deeply special thanks to my great great best friend Mr. Ahadin S. Fahmi, usually I call him as Mas Fahmi :) , who has made the template for this letter edition. I do really appreciate that :D Also big thanks for those who have helped me spread this kind of love.
From Indonesia With Love, see your contributions next on :)
I'd like to invite you guys, Indonesian Moslem who want share your love for Muslims throughout the world. You may do it by send it using this form.
Don't forget to see our tweets about this project with a hashtag #50PesanCinta

See also the previous letter;
Love Letter From Indonesia (Part 1)
Love Letter From Indonesia (Part 2)
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