Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Free The Tirtheen: Call For Action

Freedom of expression is not a crime!  Yet, thirteen peace activists in Myanmar have been charged by police and could face 10 years jail time for leading peaceful marches on 21st September 2012, which also marked UN’s International Peace Day.
Despite a political reform, human rights and ethnic disputes remain key issues in Myanmar. These peace activists aimed to resolve the ongoing civil conflicts in Kachin State and other ethnic areas by creating an awareness through these peaceful marches.
The peace activists were initially denied permission by the authorities to march for reasons such as causing “traffic congestion” and “disturbances to the people”. They went on with the marches and had been arrested just because they broke the law under Article 18 of the Assembly and Procession bylaw – “Staging a public gathering without official permission.” All of them might face up to 10-year jail time as a result.
They were peace-lovers who wanted to stop the war in their own country. They carried out their peaceful marches without causing harm to the other people. Help them now by appealing to the government to release them of these unfair charges.
We are young people from Southeast Asia.
Join us in our campaign to help the 13 by appealing to the government to drop charges and release them.


1) Find out more information regarding the situation
Several news articles have been written here and here.
2) Spread awareness, share the news!
-Share our Facebook campaign page to as many people as possible so they know about this situation.
-Tweet about the campaign and situation using hashtag #freethe13. Other suggested hastags include #humanrights #Burma #Myanmar
-Share our posters via Facebook
-Share this post
-Share our petition page (coming soon!)
3) Show your support
- email or write to human rights organizations, UN or US State Sect or
- sign our petition (coming soon!)
- write opinion pieces to newspapers and blog about this issue
-share your thoughts with us via comments or e-mail: (You may send in opinion pieces to be published)

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Seeing Indonesia From Thailand

dari kanan-kiri; Joe, Amit, Usman, Kumar, Sherlita, Zunayeed, Ikram (me), Gongbao, Riski, Warren, Shivaji

Opening Ceremony @ UN-ESCAP Building
Baru-baru ini saya ada kegiatan untuk menjadi Chair di Asia-Pacific Model UN. Merupakan simulasi sidang PBB yang ngetrend di kalangan mahasiswa, umumnya di daerah Eropa. Kebetulan saya mendapatkan jatah nge-chair di GA2. Padahal sebelumnya saya mendapatkan surat tugas untuk menjadi co-chair, kerjaannya sama, hanya saja sedikit ringan tanggung jawabnya. Tapi apa boleh dikata, kala itu si chair tak kunjung datang dan saya ditunjuk untuk menjadi chair. Hal serupa juga terjadi di GA3. Bahkan di GA1, chair dan co-chairnya ga datang. Sehingga untuk GA1 diambillah co-chair dari UNSC. Menurut saya sih, UNSC adalah tempat expertnya MUNers.

Tibanya saya disana, saya hanya sendiri. Padahal kamarnya adalah sharing bedroom alias ada dua tempat tidur. Again, I got Indian as my roommate. Kayanya emang jodoh atau apa antara saya dengan Indians. Tapi Alhamdulillah, syukur banget dia lebih memilih berbicara bahasa inggis ketimbang India. Walaupun aksen India masih kental. Kumar, adalah salah seorang chair yang pertama kali saya jumpai sekaligus jadi roommate saya.

dinner at Yok Yor
Maklum, wong udik masuk hotel mewah, sempat-sempatnya saya mengambil beberapa photo dengan mengenakan pakaian mandi. Ambassador Hotel adalah hotel tempat kami menginap. Memang sih hotelnya bintang empat (menurut google), tapi hotel tersebut tergolong tua. Kata teman dari Thailad, hotel ini udah habis masa kejayaannya walaupun dulu sempat populer. So, breakfast di hotel, dan saya kembali kebayang breakfast pertama di hotel sewaktu ikut Olimpiade Speedy Cerdas. Walaupun kali ini jauh lebih mewah, tapi ya pengalaman seperti itu jarang bagi orang seperti saya. Disanalah saya berjumpa; Amit, Zunayeed, Usman, Shivaji, Gongbao dan Warren.

Saya pun memperkenalkan diri saya. Jujur, saya tidak begitu akrab dengan budaya self introduction. Biasa kawan dulu yang mulai, yah tapi nasib ketika itu saya hanya Indonesian seorang. Apa boleh buat, gaul aje kite.

Zunayeed merupakan seorang Bangladesh, namun iya pernah menjadi volunteer saat tsunami 2004 di Aceh. Ingat banget kata-katanya,"don't let American comes to your country, they will take every resources from you." Waw! Orang luar tapi tau masalah di negara kita. Mungkin ya karena ia memang belajar International Studies atau mungkin Bangladesh memiliki kemiripan dengan Indonesia. Who knows? He is a funny person. Masih sering ingat kata-kata humorisnya "not have madam, not have (dengan dialek Thailand)" dan "Wake up gongbao... wake up"

Orang di rumah suka nanyain sih," tuh gimana disana? ngomongnya pake bahasa apa?" Emang pertamanya agak ragu, tapi overall everything is fine. Udah ditempa sama konferensi-konferensi sebelumnya. Jihad jadi saksinya. :D

[Chairing GA2] Formal Session
[Chairing GA2] Informal Session

They were all great people. Gongbao adalah mahasiswa tingkat akhir dan telah memiliki pengalaman yang cukup di UK melalui sebuah program beasiswa. Darinya saya mengerti bahwa orang china sangat kesulitan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa baik dalam maupun luar negri. Katanya orang china sudah terlalu banyak jadi tidak terlalu di-support untuk mendapatkan beasiswa di luar negri. Orang China bukan berarti Etnis China ya.

Usman merupakan seorang pengacara dari London. Darinya kami banyak belajar bagaimana menjadi chair yang baik. Believe you me, dia mengetahui segalanya. Pria asal Pakistan ini, biaya seluruhnya di cover oleh bossnya, bahkan biaya untuk pulang kampung ke Pakistan.

Bersama kami juga ada Jeanmark dan Amit yang memang merupakan diplomat bekerja untuk PBB. Jeanmark merupakan orang yang sangat berpengalaman dibidang diplomasi. Beliau sudah memimpin banyak sidang (google). Bahkan katanya beliau memulainya dari MUN hingga persidangan asli. Satu kata yang sangat saya kagumi dari Amit,"I born as Indian and die as Indian." Saya belum menentukan apakah saya akan mengikuti jejaknya dengan mati sebagai seorang Indonesia atau sebagai warga negara lain. Let's the time passes  by aja lah.

Ada dua teman saya dari Indonesia dan dua-duanya cewe. Mereka pun menjadi dua-duanya chair perempuan, Sherlita dan Riski. Riski merupakan final year student di UI (sibuk banget) dan pengalamannya di MUN tak diragukan. Sherlita merupakan seorang gadis yang seangkatan (UB) dan juga seorganisasi dengan saya, ASEANPreneurs.
Closing Ceremony with all secretariat and chairs ^_^
Disana saya banyak belajar tentang pandangan hidup bahkan sampai rahasia awet muda ala Amit (37).  Pandangan bagaimana kita suatu bangsa tidak boleh memandang rendah bangsa lain. Dapat pelajaran bagaimana jilbab dapat menjadi identitas sekaligus pelindung bagi muslimah. Menakjubkannya lagi, saya mendapatkan pandangan ini dari orang-orang dengan latar belakang yang beragam. Bahkan disana saya tau, Pakistan dan India itu musuhan.

Apa yang saya lihat di Thailand tidak lah sebatas dari teropong orang-orang hebat tadi. Namun kegiatan sosial dan keramahan penduduk lokal juga menjadi penilaian saya. Ketika saya bandingkan Indonesia dan Thailand. Harus saya akui, Thailand pantaslah membanggakan diri. Memang perbedaannya hanya sedikit dengan Indonesia, namun untuk tingkat rasa Aman, saya lebih merasa aman di Thailand dibandingkan di Medan atau Jakarta. Mungkin itulah yang menjadi daya tarik para turis. Oh ya, Thailand sendiri bangga dengan suksesnya mereka mengakui jenis kelamin ke tiga yaitu "Lady Boy". Walaupun saya sendiri tidak setuju jika hal tersebut menjadi hal lebih dari Thailand, namun satu yang pasti, itulah jalan mereka untuk menghadapi perbedaan.

Tidak seperti saya di Semarang, Bandung, Surabaya, atau Jakarta yang sering merindukan rumah ketika saya disana. Di Thailand saya merasa tidak ingin pulang. Thailand has become my other home. Hope I can visit it again one day. :D

Last Dinner @ Yok Yor Restaurant

Senin, 03 September 2012

2012 ASEAN Student Forum

“2012 ASEAN Student Forum: Molding the ASEAN Mind” An international forum for ASEAN university students hosted by Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand - NOW OPEN!!

The application packages, including qualification for potential del
egates, tentative schedule, requirements, application form, and scholarship application form, is finally available for uploading!

*** Follow this link for viewing and downloading it from Google Document in PDF format :

*** In .doc (Microsoft word) format

*** And follow this link for downloading if from mediafire(.pdf) :

and in .doc (microsoft) format

Our official website, the official website for Chulalongkorn University Academic Expo, is currently under construction but nevertheless, the application package can be reached by those two links! (They are the same)

All accommodations will be provided by Chulalongkorn University during the conference - November 12-16, 2012. And there are a lot of additional exciting activities such as Bangkok city tour, national heritage tour, reception ceremony, and parties *with 100USD participation fee.

Applications from all university students among the ASEAN countries are welcome! This forum will be held as part of "CU Academic Expo 2012", a tri-annual event.

The forum aims to develop people-to-people minds among ASEAN citizen, to create a bond in ASEAN Community and a platform for university students from all ASEAN countries to network and exchange their ideas with the ultimate goal to achieve a stronger ASEAN mind.

Reminder: Deadline for those who wish for scholarship(fee waived) is on September 26th,
and regular application is on October 5th,

Additional questions? Post them on our page! Our staffs are willing to answer!

See you in Bangkok!

ASEAN Community

ASEAN Community merupakan suatu gagasan suatu komunitas ASEAN. Inti dari terciptanya komunitas ini adalah tercapainya kesadaran semua masyarakat akan keberadaan ASEAN itu sendiri. Selama ini ASEAN menjadi suatu yang asing di mata masyarakat. Masyarakat menilai bahwa ASEAN hanyalah alat politik kaum elit. Padahal nyata dan seharusnya ASEAN menjadi identitas masyarakatnya sendiri.
Tentu kita tidak lupa dengan pelajaran tentang ASEAN sewaktu beranjak di sekolah dasar. Mungkin ruang lingkupnya berbeda dengan mata kuliah. Yah, kalau di SD cuma belajar menghafal negara-negara anggota ASEAN serta sejarah singkatnya. Sekedar tambahan, bahwa jurusan yang mempelajari ASEAN bukannya terdapat di negara ASEAN, melainkan di Amerika. Sungguh mengherankan(?!)
ASEAN community ini sendiri terdiri dari 3 katagori: (1) Politik dan Keamanan, (2) Ekonomi, (3) Sosial dan Budaya.
(1) Politik dan Keamanan (ASEAN Political-Security Community)
To build on what has been constructed over the years in the field of political and security cooperation, the ASEAN Leaders have agreed to establish the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC). The APSC shall aim to ensure that countries in the region live at peace with one another and with the world in a just, democratic and harmonious environment.
The members of the Community pledge to rely exclusively on peaceful processes in the settlement of intra-regional differences and regard their security as fundamentally linked to one another and bound by geographic location, common vision and objectives. It has the following components: political development; shaping and sharing of norms; conflict prevention; conflict resolution; post-conflict peace building; and implementing mechanisms.
(2) Ekonomi (ASEAN Economic Community)
The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) shall be the goal of regional economic integration by 2015. AEC envisages the following key characteristics: (a) a single market and production base, (b) a highly competitive economic region, (c) a region of equitable economic development, and (d) a region fully integrated into the global economy.
The AEC areas of cooperation include human resources development and capacity building; recognition of professional qualifications; closer consultation on macroeconomic and financial policies; trade financing measures; enhanced infrastructure and communications connectivity; development of electronic transactions through e-ASEAN; integrating industries across the region to promote regional sourcing; and enhancing private sector involvement for the building of the AEC. In short, the AEC will transform ASEAN into a region.
(3) Sosial dan Budaya (ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community)
The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community aims to contribute to realising an ASEAN Community that is people-oriented and socially responsible with a view to achieving enduring solidarity and unity among the peoples and Member States of ASEAN. It seeks to forge a common identity and build a caring and sharing society which is inclusive and where the well-being, livelihood, and welfare of the peoples are enhanced.
ASCC is focused on nurturing the human, cultural and natural resources for sustained development in a harmonious and people-oriented ASEAN.
 [source of description:]

Berdasarkan main goal dari program ini maka diharapkan masyarakat juga ikut berpartisipasi di dalamnya. Mengingat deadline yang semakin dekat yakni tahun 2015, komunitas ini harus terbentuk seutuhnya. Tidak ada lagi "I'm an Indonesian, Malaysian, Bruneian, and all" namun berubah "I'm an ASEAN" seperti yang terjadi pada UE. Dimana masyarakat disana lebih memilih menyebut diri mereka sebagai ras Eropa. Dengan adanya pengakuan tersebut, menandakan bahwa intregasi ASEAN community ke dalam masyarakat telah sukses. Dengan demikian, akses yang didapatkan pun akan lebih besar.
Bangga rasanya ketika para pemuda sadar akan hal ini. Terbukti dengan adanya organisasi-organisasi kepemudaan yang berlatarbelakang ASEAN. Contohnya ASEAN Youth Community, banyak organisasi yang melakukan pergerakan yang sama, diantaranya adalah AIESEC.
Anda pun dapat berpartisipasi dengan memeriahkan rangkaian program mereka. Jadi, dibawah ini adalah link yang dapat anda gunakan untuk mengakses program-program tersebut.
Sepertinya gerakan ini diprakarsai oleh AIESEC, namun tidak jelas AIESEC chapter mana. Fanpage ini belakangan lebih sering menampilkan photo-photo situs wisata di masing-masing negara anggota.
very recommended fanpage bagi kamu yang ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang negara-negara anggota ASEAN. Adminnya juga cukup komunikatif.
he ASEAN Youth Movement (AYM) was established in 2009 as a creative and innovative regional platform and advocacy campaign space for and by the Southeast Asian youth. Members come from various walks of life. They are mostly students, young professionals, grassroots activists, NGO workers, entrepreneurs and community leaders. All with the common vision to regularly share their experience sand support each one's efforts to realize a more sustainable, just and peaceful Southeast Asia.
Merupakan organisasi yang dibentuk oleh organisasi entreprenuerial dari National University of Singapore. Organisasi ini merupakan organisasi berskala regional ASEAN. Tujuannya adalah meningkatkan UKM-UKM di negara anggota. Saya bekerja sebagar Ambassador Indonesia di organisasi ini. Terdapat dua event program: AYLE dan AIC. Singkatnya AYLE merupakan exchange program dan AIC merupakan suatu contest business idea. Untuk lebih lanjut, dapat mengaksesnya di 
 Merupakan sebuah akun resmi (?) ASEAN untuk suatu program kontes photo.
Kelihatannya ini merupakan salah satu program sosial dari Air Asia (?) Namun masih belum diketahui secara pasti. Akun facebook ini sangat informatif mengenai ASEAN.
Page ini seperti timeline ASEAN. Jadi anda dapat memantau aktivitas ASEAN melalui halaman page ini. 
Masih banyak lagi informasi yang bisa anda dapatkan mengenai ASEAN. Namun saya rasa ini sudah cukup untuk meningkatkan awareness kita terhadap ASEAN. But See you..!!

ASEAN One Destiny! :D

Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Community Shaping

Ok, My post today would be about an individual actor play role in a community. Well, we'll got much scientific atmosphere here. Hehe... but it's not too bored, since I'll give you my cutest smile in side slide. :)

Firstly, why does community shaped?
A community was created for expressing a group of people interest. So here is the stuffs about human nature. Human always search what we call as comfort zone. So in here, if people with some interest gather in one place (community), it could be their comfort zone.

So, what after that?
After the forming, they'll fit the place for them or vice versa. For example, debate community (I don't what others too take -_-), they suit themselves with the campus condition and/or they fit the atmosphere become more debatable. The point is, when you have your own previledge, and you were going in one community, inside it, you'll feel more comfort.

 I believe everyone is wondering about this, "There are a lot of communities which have same interest. So, why don't they just shaped in one"
There could be many possibilties, but several of those things are;
1. Distance,
                   People make their own communty because they one to search the easiest access for their comfort zone. Thus, they start it with the nearest one. After all, this world is just too big, how come all people around the world gather in one place? Unless they got Internet. Well, that's another case, it's not merely about togetherness, but also on how people satisfy themselves. Direct social interraction is mandatory needed, in order to get human satisfaction.
2. Verieties,
                 People wants everything and mostly different each other. We as the third party might see it as the same interests but actually it is not. For example, their interests are, A,B,C,and D. While the other one have the interest in A,B,C, and E or A,B,C,D,E. We might see it as a little difference but for them it is not. Again, we're talking about satisfaction here, people wants to get the most comfortable zone. That's why sometimes as we see it as a little matter, it could be the biggest difference between parties.
3. Play Role,
                     I think it's the biggest aspect in here. Some people want to get big role. In order to get it, people create the condition to make them through. So they make a new communities, even the community that have same interest existed. Fortunately, there are some people who don't want to get big deal in here. Then, these people will become the follower of someone that want to play a big role. 
Who they really are? Let's see in the next post :)

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